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American employment has been rocky throughout 2021, and it looks like that isn’t changing as the year winds down. The BLS November jobs report found that the US added a disappointing 210,000 jobs to the economy as a whole. Healthcare employment increased by only 2,000 positions. The fact that healthcare gained positions at all signals that employment is still slowly recovering after the industry experienced net job losses in August and September.

Healthcare Employment at a Glance

Collectively, healthcare gained 2,100 positions last month, according to the November jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Ambulatory care led gains for another month, adding 17,000 new jobs to payroll. Outpatient care centers also added 2,500 roles.

Nursing and residential care facilities, on the other hand, lost 11,000 positions. Hospitals positions were also down (-3,900), along with home health care roles (-100).

What Healthcare Organizations Should Prioritize in the Coming Months

Create and Encourage Staff Connections

In October, we noted that unemployment was declining for white men but for no other group. We suggested reaching out to employees to learn more about how to address the diverse issues preventing candidates from fully participating in the workforce.

This past month, Black women left the workforce in striking numbers. Clearly, employment isn’t recovering at the same rate for everyone. Managers should continue to establish avenues for communication and support. This might include more frequent check-in meetings, social events, and accommodations to help individuals do their best work.

Meet Vaccine Hesitancy Head-On

Hospital and SNF employment dropped again this month. This might have to do with vaccine mandates affecting their workplaces. Vaccination policies are in a really confusing place right now, as we wait to get a ruling on whether federal vaccine mandates will be upheld in some or all states. Don’t wait for the waters to settle before taking action. Take steps to address vaccine hesitancy now through open dialogue and education. Be prepared for a future where all staff may need to be vaccinated.

Incentivize Word-of-Mouth Recruitment

After a slow month for job growth, healthcare businesses should be putting their focus on recruiting. As we approach the new year, it’s a good moment to be strategic. Don’t just broaden your recruiting. Also make sure it’s focused enough to actually result in strong candidates.

One approach is to promote word-of-mouth recruitment campaigns. Consider offering incentives and rewards to current employees who refer new hires. If you can tap into your staff’s social circles, you’ll be more likely to get candidates who are actually qualified, with less strain on your recruitment team.

We’re here to help with healthcare recruiting through this year and beyond. Apploi brings the healthcare HR process online, from candidate sourcing to staff documentation management. Interested in learning more? Contact us today for a free demo of our end-to-end solution.

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