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As an Apploi customer, you’re already ahead of the competition because you automatically distribute your open roles to dozens of the top job sites. Of these sites, Indeed is one of the most popular, with over 250 million job seekers visiting each month to search for work opportunities. 

Indeed is one of the most valuable sources for healthcare candidates. And with Indeed’s job post sponsorships, you can get even more traffic to your open positions without having to ever leave the Apploi platform. Thanks to our integration, you can set up an Indeed sponsorship right from your Apploi dashboard.

Learn how you can use our integrated Indeed sponsorships to attract additional candidates through Apploi.

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  1. Three Ways for Apploi Users to Sponsor Jobs on Indeed
    1. In-Platform Sponsorship
    2. Apploi Reach Sponsorship
    3. Indeed Direct Sponsorship
  2. Healthcare Recruitment Software Made for Your Industry

Three Ways for Apploi Users to Sponsor Jobs on Indeed

When you publish a job on Apploi, our software automatically shares it with Indeed. In addition to this service, you have three more options for increasing the number of applicants who see your job.

  • In-platform sponsorships. These are single-job campaigns that users can set up themselves, directly from Apploi. 
  • Apploi Reach sponsorships. Job campaigns with guidance from Apploi Reach’s team of healthcare recruitment and HR consultants. 
  • Indeed direct sponsorships. Users set up these campaigns with assistance from representatives at Indeed. 

Let’s take a closer look at each of these options. 

1. In-Platform Sponsorship

Apploi integrates directly with Indeed. This means that users can sponsor jobs on Indeed from the Apploi platform, with no additional assistance required. 

To initiate an Indeed sponsorship through Apploi, first navigate to your Apploi job and select “Promote.” From there, you’ll be able to specify:

  • How long you’d like to run the sponsorship
  • Your budget

Once you’ve sponsored a job, you’ll be able to see how it’s performing with Indeed’s analytics  inside Apploi. 

Who Should Set Up Indeed Sponsorships Through the Apploi Platform?

We recommend this sponsorship option to Apploi users who are comfortable running their own Indeed recruitment campaigns. 

How Much Do Indeed Sponsorships Cost?

Indeed sponsorships require a minimum budget of $200. Other than that, how much you spend is entirely up to you. You set your own budget, and once it runs out, your sponsorship will automatically end.

How Are Indeed Sponsorships Billed?

If you already have an Indeed account, you can use it to sponsor jobs through Apploi. Otherwise, you can create a new Indeed account through Apploi. In either case, your bill will come directly from Indeed, even if you set up your sponsorship on the Apploi platform.

Indeed sponsorships are charged per click. In other words, you’ll be charged every time a qualified job seeker clicks on your job. 

This might make it sound like you could easily go over budget, but don’t worry. Indeed will never charge you more than the budget you’ve set. Once you hit your daily budget, the sponsored version of your job stops displaying for the day. That way, you don’t have to worry about accidentally using up your whole budget in the first days of a sponsorship. 

How Can I Learn More About In-Platform Sponsorships?

Check out this resource for more information about setting up Indeed sponsorships.

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2. Apploi Reach Sponsorship

If you want more guidance as you run your Indeed campaign, you might be interested in a sponsorship through Apploi Reach. In this option, you’ll get hands-on assistance from our recruitment specialists, who can help you tailor everything from job descriptions to your campaign strategy. We work with our team at Indeed to coordinate sponsorships on your behalf.

Who Should Sponsor Their Jobs With Apploi Reach?

This option offers the most direct guidance from the consultants at Apploi. If you spend over $10,000 a month on Indeed and expect to continue sponsoring jobs heavily across multiple recruiting campaigns, this is probably the best option for you. 

How Are Apploi Reach Sponsorships Billed?

If you opt for a sponsorship through Apploi Reach, Apploi will handle billing and coordinating with Indeed. Apploi will invoice you for Indeed sponsorships. This is an additional fee, not included in your monthly Apploi platform subscription. 

How Can I Learn More About Apploi Reach?

If you’re interested in this option, please contact Melanie at for more information.

3. Indeed Direct Sponsorship

In some cases, Apploi users may want to manage their recruitment campaign and budget with an Indeed representative. If you choose this route, your sponsored jobs will still be created and managed in Apploi, but Apploi won’t be involved with your sponsorship strategy or billing.

Who Should Sponsor Their Apploi-Hosted Jobs Directly With Indeed?

Some Apploi users prefer to keep collaborating with Indeed representatives who they’ve worked with in the past. If you have an existing relationship with an Indeed representative and wish to continue working together, this is the option for you. 

How Are Direct Indeed Sponsorships Billed?

Direct Indeed sponsorships are billed from Indeed to the user. In this case, Apploi will not contact Indeed on your behalf, and will not be involved with managing your budget. 

How Can I Learn More About Direct Sponsorships With Indeed?

If you’re interested in setting up a job sponsorship directly with Indeed, reach out to your Indeed representative. Let them know that you’re using Apploi as your applicant tracking system and you’re interested in promoting an Apploi-hosted job. 

You’ll need an indexed Indeed account for this option (rather than a hosted account). If you’re not sure what account type you have, just inform your representative that you’d like it to be indexed.

Healthcare Recruitment Software Made for Your Industry

Apploi is here to help drive your healthcare business to success. With Apploi, you can distribute jobs, screen applicants, send offer letters, onboard new hires, and manage credentials from one intuitive platform. 

Interested in learning more about how you can recruit, hire, and onboard healthcare staff quickly? Contact us today for a free demo of our human capital management solution.

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