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We gathered industry leaders at a recent webinar to discuss one of the most pressing issues in healthcare staffing: retention. These experts discussed the factors that drive retention, from company culture to material perks that encourage valuable employees to stay. Here are some of the highlights from that discussion.

Build Your Staff’s Leadership Skills

It's so critical that both the facility leader and department heads engage with their staff in a way that will inspire them.

Adam BragancaRegional Human Resources Director, Complete Care

Fostering leadership is a great way to show your staff that they’re valued.

Let’s say you notice that one of your registered nurses has been taking the initiative in making new staff feel welcome. You can offer that nurse leadership training, or even just check in with them during one-on-ones to encourage their leadership instincts.

It’s important to remember that inspiring leaders can exist at any and all levels of an organization, from an executive position to a brand new CNA.

Employee Recognition Is Key

Employee recognition should be embedded into your culture. This can be employee spotlights in newsletters, regular kudos in team meetings, routine appreciation in one-on-ones, and more.

There are many ways to show appreciation to your staff, including:

  • Sending a meaningful letter. A personalized letter that’s unique to the circumstances is a great way to show that you care about your employees and see them as full individuals. Direct managers are often the best people to give this form of appreciation.
  • Showcase their work. Did your employee recently get a meaningful thank you from a patient? Did they reach the next stage in their education? Show that you’re proud! Showcase their achievements in a newsletter, on a bulletin board, or at team meetings.
  • Provide career planning (formal or informal). One excellent and practical way to show appreciation is to give employees support planning their careers. This way, they’ll see that you’re invested in them for the long haul.

Cultivate Mentorships In Healthcare

Industry leaders agree that mentorship is vital in long-term care. Setting up mentorship for your healthcare employees can help you:

  • Strengthen bonds. Mentorship in healthcare can bring your employees closer together in work-appropriate mentor/mentee relationships. It’s always easier to go to work when you know you’ll be surrounded by friendly faces who are ready to support you.
  • Enhance employee engagement. Mentorship programs can get employees more engaged in their work, either as mentees or mentors. A mentor can also provide feedback and appreciation, which can serve as valuable goal posts in high-pressure workdays.
  • Build careers. Mentorship can help employees envision future career paths. In addition, being a mentor can prepare employees for promotions and additional responsibilities.

Set up your own mentorship program

Listen (and Respond) to Employee Feedback

Conduct regular employee surveys to gather feedback on various aspects of the workplace. When you solicit feedback, you show employees that you care about their opinions and you’re listening to what they have to say. People want to work at a place where their opinions are valued.

Consider creating an open-door policy where employees can approach management with their concerns. Don’t have the time for a consistent open-door policy? One alternative is “office hours”—in other words, set hours where employees can pop in to ask a question or relate a concern. Just make sure that your office hours are varied enough that all employees have a chance to access them, regardless of their work schedules.

Make Use of Technology

It’s much harder to retain workers if you don’t have the technology in place to manage them effectively. A good workforce management platform can ensure that your employees are paid accurately and on-time, that their work schedules are accommodated and properly recorded, and that their onboarding process is as smooth as possible. With the right technology on your side, you can greatly simplify employee retention.

Workforce management technology also allows for real-time performance tracking and data-driven insights, enabling businesses to identify areas for improvement and boost overall productivity. Embracing innovative solutions not only empowers employees, but also fosters a culture of efficiency and growth within the organization

Explore Our Retention Roundtable

When it comes to reducing nurse turnover—or any healthcare employee—there’s plenty to discuss. These are just some of the topics covered in our retention roundtable. Watch the webinar on-demand to learn more about how you can retain employees consistently and with longevity.

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