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Let’s be honest. The phrase “mandatory healthcare compliance training” probably doesn’t spark joy for your employees. More likely, it evokes thoughts of a long session in a conference room or in front of a computer, struggling to stay engaged for a few hours. 

But disengagement with healthcare compliance training can be a problem. Compliance is crucial, both to the financial health of your company, and the physical health of your patients and staff. In fact, one report stated that hospitals and health systems spend $69 billion each year on compliance. 

We know that healthcare compliance training isn’t always exciting. But if your employees don’t retain the information, it could cost you down the line. 

Luckily, there are ways to help your staff retain compliance information. It all starts with connecting with your employees—something that’s often difficult in a fast paced healthcare environment.

Learn more about employee engagement 

6 Ways to Increase Engagement During Healthcare Compliance Training 

1. Provide Refreshments 

It’s hard to pay attention when you’re hungry, thirsty, or tired. Providing some kind of refreshment, such as coffee or snacks, can help employees feel—well—refreshed. 

If for some reason you don’t have the budget to provide refreshments, make sure they at least have access to water and cups. Plan clearly stated lunch or snack breaks to help employees stay energized and ready to learn. 

2. Make the Training Interactive

Studies show that “active learning” helps people retain information. Use interactive elements in your training to help your employees remember your training as they go about their duties. 

It’s possible to make even the most standard materials more engaging. Adding just a few interactive elements can help keep employees engaged. 

Interactive elements could include: 

  • Quizzes (using a service like Kahoot)
  • Jeopardy
  • Worksheets 
  • Compliance trivia
  • Peer presentations 
  • Active recaps

3. Turn the Students Into Teachers 

If you’re worried that interactive compliance training is too much work or too costly, this could be the tactic for you. 

Have your employees pair up and explain the material to each other—or assign one person per module to recap parts of the training for the class. 

Want to add an element of fun? Set a timer for one minute, and have your employees rush to explain the material before the timer runs out. 

4. Use Real Life Examples 

Compliance can sometimes feel abstract, especially in a classroom setting. It can be difficult to understand how the materials truly apply to an employee’s daily lives. 

Use examples and case studies to make it clear how compliance issues are relevant to your employees. Ask trainees if they’ve ever faced any of the issues discussed, and how they would act based on the new information. 

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5. Accommodate Multiple Learning Styles

Not everyone retains information the same way. 

According to one study, about 65% of the population retains information best visually. Visual aids, as well as talking through the material for your auditory learners, can be a great way to help your employees retain information. 

6. Make Trainings Easily Accessible After the Fact 

Training involves a lot of information—and in an industry like healthcare where regulations frequently change, it can be difficult for employees to retain the most updated information. 

Share training materials with your employees so they need to refer back to it as needed. Compliance information needs to be front and center, somewhere employees can easily access it without hassle. 

Learn more about effective onboarding 

Better Onboarding With Apploi

Whether you’re training new hires or long-term employees, Apploi can help you digitize documentation and ensure that your staff is ready to work. Interested in learning more about how you can recruit, hire, and onboard healthcare staff quickly? Contact us today for a free demo of our end-to-end talent management solution.

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