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In 2022, healthcare workers faced a changing landscape of staffing shortages, emerging technologies, and payment models.

Join Apploi in celebrating the professionals who navigated the year with empathy, dedication, and grace.

Prize Details

Five winners will earn prizes of $500.

Winners can be clinical or non-clinical workers and may be self-nominated or nominated by a peer, leader, or friend.

Explore the awards categories

Nominate a Worker

Thank you to everyone who nominated in 2022!

Award Categories

Above & Beyond

This award honors a worker who goes beyond expectations to create a truly special workplace, staffing strategy, or care experience. No matter what they’re working on, they look for ways to improve operations and add a personal touch. If you collaborate with this person, you’re in good hands—it’s in their nature to approach new challenges with enthusiasm and determination.


This worker sends positive ripple effects throughout their community, inside and outside of the facility. They excel at forming connections and know exactly how to make other members of the community feel seen and cared for. Whether they’re leading a team or staying out of the spotlight, they make a difference in the lives of everyone they work with and care for.


To this worker, there’s no such thing as a boring job. No matter what task they’re working on, they find a way to inject it with new life. A workplace trailblazer, they’re happy to try new ways of tackling familiar duties. You can find them experimenting with different processes, suggesting new tools, and keeping things fresh for their whole team.

Emerging Leader

When you need inspiration, encouragement, and a sense of perspective, this is the worker you go to. They might be a supervisor, or they might be a team member with an amazing knack for stepping up to lead. They have natural influence, and they use it for good, boosting their coworkers’ morale and speaking up when something needs to change.

Team Player

This worker’s power comes from their strong commitment to their team. They are motivated by a shared sense of purpose and they will go out of their way to remove obstacles that might make it harder for their colleagues to do their jobs. Between their work ethic and their interpersonal skills, it’s no wonder they’re such a treasured coworker and friend.