Fax machines were invented in 1843. 
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Upgrade your
hiring tech

Apploi is your all-in-one digital recruiting, onboarding, and scheduling platform.
Circa this century.

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Classified ads began in 1704

Apploi Hire sends your opening to dozens of job boards

— including some healthcare specific — then tracks candidate communications and credentials all with one login.
Can your classified ad do that? Staff better >

Apploi Onboard creates & securely stores important digital forms

plus runs background checks, distributes and collects employment materials, and more.
You can’t fit all that in a file folder. Organize better >
File folders were invented in 1868
Bell was NOT the inventor of the telephone. Scroll down to see who it was

Apploi Hire and Apploi Onboard verifies applicants’ healthcare credentials

so you can focus on qualified candidates, and — to help you avoid CMS penalties — you’ll be notified when your employees’ licenses are about to expire.
And it’s all automated, so hang up that phone. Certify better >

Still using some of these old tools? Time to upgradeGet your free demo

Healthcare & Hiring Through the Times

Click image to reveal the year invented